Get in touch
Dear Church,
The season of Lent is almost upon us—and, as always, Lent officially begins on Ash Wednesday, which falls this year on February 22.
And, as always, we will hold an Ash Wednesday worship service that evening at 6:15 in the sanctuary. The Ash Wednesday service is among my favorite worship services of the year, and I encourage everyone to try to attend. While the emphasis of Ash Wednesday is on our mortality and on our utter dependency on God, this is nonetheless a deeply moving and hopeful service. For, as we receive the imposition of ashes, and as we hear the words, “Dust you are; to dust you shall return—but from dust you shall arise,” we are reminded of the power and promises of Christ Jesus our Lord. So, please try to join us this year for our Ash Wednesday service; it gets us emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically—not to mention, theologically— prepared in the best way possible for the remainder of the Lenten season. And, speaking of the Lenten season, I will be preaching a six-week sermon series during Lent called “The Prophetic Vision,” in which we will consider one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament each Sunday, exploring that prophet’s unique vision of what the Kingdom of God should—and will—look like, and what was— in that prophet’s view—most destructive of that coming reality in their present circumstance. This series will give us a more robust understanding of the ancient prophetic vision and will further ground our understanding of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and proclamation of God’s Kingdom Come. This promises to be a rich and meaningful Lenten season, and I look forward to journeying through it together.
All my love, Austin
Boulevard Baptist Church
700 Boulevard
Anderson, SC 29621
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.