Get in touch
Dear Church,
In late February, a group of 43 people from our church began meeting in coordination with a grant I’ve received from The Lily Endowment and Luther Seminary. Our first meetings as a group have focused on the importance of belonging—on how true community is formed by rooting and investing oneself in a place and a story.
To that end, our group has discussed how a community’s story is not limited to the people active in and the specific activities of the present. Instead, all of those from the community who have gone before us—and all of the items and events from the community that have happened in the past—are also important aspects of a community’s ongoing story.
In the process of this conversation, our group began naming saints from Boulevard who have gone on to glory—names many of us in the room did not know, but names we are all further enriched by hearing recalled and re-membered.
Moreover, we also heard stories of certain things around Boulevard that we walk past every day but had not heard stories about before. And that got me thinking: wouldn’t it be great to create a section of the monthly newsletter called “Did You Know?”—a section devoted to telling the story behind specific Boulevard people, items, landmarks, etc.?
Thus, please accept this monthly note from me as an invitation to write or call-in to the church office with a “Did You Know” story about Boulevard. We will all be enriched by learning stories about our community’s past. For, we can’t truly understand our church’s present without knowing its past, and we certainly can’t prepare properly for the future without knowing these vital truths about where—and who—we’ve been.
So, please send your stories. I can’t wait to learn from—and with—you!
All my love, Austin
Boulevard Baptist Church
700 Boulevard
Anderson, SC 29621
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.