Deacon Nominations

Each member of the church is encouraged to give prayerful consideration to the nomination of persons to be considered for election as a deacon. Please do not nominate anyone unless you have received his/her permission. If you are willing and able to serve, you may nominate yourself. The deacon nominating committee will carefully and prayerfully consider all who are nominated and will choose those they feel are the best candidates for service for the 2023-2024 term. The deacon nominating committee’s choices will be presented to the church for approval.

Nomination forms will be available to church members March 1-31, 2023 on the church website, in the church office, through a link in the March weekly updates, as an insert in the worship guide on March 19th, in Sunday School classes, at prayer meeting and in the information racks beside the office door and in the vestibule. Upon completion, please return the nomination form to the church office, the deacon ballot box outside the church office, to Becky Lynch or Sarah Sprague or place it in the offering plate by March 31st. For additional information or questions, please call Becky Lynch or Sarah Sprague. Click here for the form.

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