Get in touch
Dear Church,
What joy it was to gather in July for our intergenerational Sunday School meetings!
We are grateful for all of the wonderful feedback we received after the July sessions, just as we greatly appreciate the responses we received to the summative survey. Moving forward, this feedback—both the informal feedback received during and after the sessions as well as the formal feedback received in response to the survey—will be very helpful for the Vision Team as it continues its work and seeks to make more concrete the ideas and values and overarching vision that was presented and discussed in July.
Meanwhile, please know that the churchwide conversation about this vision continues, as I will be leading a series of discussions on Wednesday nights that will add more layering to what has thus far been presented and discussed. To guide those conversations, we will be reading Andrew Root’s book The Congregation in a Secular Age, and I invite everyone who is interested in participating to please purchase a copy and plan to join us on Wednesday evenings. Copies are available on Amazon, and our discussion of the book will begin in earnest on August 31st (an overview of the book will be given at our fall kickoff on the 24th).
Finally, some of our Vision Team members will be presenting short testimonials this fall, so be on the lookout for these opportunities to hear directly from Vision Team members about our process of discernment.
As this prayerful work of discernment continues, we thank you for the help and wisdom you have shared with us and we ask for your continued prayers and counsel as we move forward.
A vision grounded in the fruit of the spirit and aimed at the Coming Kingdom of God:
Whatever concrete shape it takes, such a vision will certainly be glorifying to God and edifying to Boulevard Baptist Church!
All my love,
Boulevard Baptist Church
700 Boulevard
Anderson, SC 29621
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.