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Dear Church,
For the last nineteen months, our beloved Lucy Cauthen, whose technical title at Boulevard is “Minister of Youth and Missions,” has also been leading our children’s ministries. Upon Karen Jones’s well-deserved retirement in August of 2020, Lucy agreed to assume children’s leadership responsibilities on a temporary basis. Needless to say, Lucy has gone above and beyond the call—both literally and figuratively—and has continued the cultivation of a thriving children’s program here at BBC.
Now, with COVID-19 having calmed down and the world having returned to a more stable situation, it is time for Lucy to turn all of her energies and attention back to her two primary foci here at Boulevard: youth and missions. To that end, the personnel committee has authorized Renee Drake and April Carty—on a volunteer basis—to assume temporary responsibilities for our children’s ministries.
Lucy, Renee, April, and I have been working this past month to ensure that the transition of leadership will be smooth, and Renee and April have already put together an exciting and impressive calendar of summer activities. With a growing and enthusiastic children’s ministry, we have much to celebrate and look forward to as a church, and I have no doubt that Renee and April will carry things on with aplomb as we continue to discern the best path forward for our children’s ministry at Boulevard.
Meanwhile, to say that Lucy deserves our thanks and appreciation is a vast understatement; she has seen this ministry through one of the most difficult societal moments of the last century, and she has helped it not only survive, but thrive. We are abundantly blessed to have her as part of our community, and I encourage you to share a word of appreciation with her when you next have an opportunity.
Here's to Lucy; here’s to Renee and April; here’s to our BBC children; and here’s to all that God has in store for our church’s future.
All my love,
Boulevard Baptist Church
700 Boulevard
Anderson, SC 29621
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.